Our mission


Our goal as a company is to enrich the startup community in canada and increase digital literacy. We know canadians have great ideas but don’t always have the proper tools to make those ideas into something tangible and marketable. We make it our job to make those tools available through our combined web development and lean startup curriculum. However we’re noticing an alarming trend: start ups are being relegated to the big cities like Toronto and the silicon valley. This would be fine except for the fact that Canadian small businesses are found throughout the country. We don’t believe location should be the deciding factor in you ability to be successful and as a reaction we’ve put our workshop on the road. We’ve started partnering with municipalities across Alberta to make sure they don’t get left behind and have the tools they need to run a successful small business in the 21st century.

How we do it

What you need to know

What you get from us

As a municipality we offer you a very distinct benefit. Its simple our classes help encourage economic development, simple but crucial. Our workshops foster start up culture and small business that will go on to flourish in your area and can allow for your citizens to be potentially self employed as an alternate route. These classes also optimize pre existing small business by helping them create or expand their online presence to increase their reach. Lastly our classes aim to facilitate networking between entrepreneurs and between entrepreneurs and the city.

What your citizens get from us

Small businesses have a lot to gain from a course like ours. We have worked hard to hand pick and create a valuable network of advisors flush with experience for our students to take advantage of. We also facilitate networking between our students and albertain companies as well as the municipality and each other. This class is an opportunity to connect with advisors and investors. However networking is an additional plus the real benefit is the skills taught in our curriculum. They learn low cost prototyping tools to help them develop a product or service without the fear of huge investment without assurance from the market. This class is also an opportunity to learn from successes and failures from other start ups. We mentor our students so they get what they need out of our classes.

How much does it cost

Our classes cost 200$ per seat, this is because we want to provide all the essentials to our students. This covers venue, teacher's and our transport for the instructors. We know this is the time when budgets are being planned for 2017, so we know getting this information out to you during this time is crutal. Some municipalities choose to subsidise the class for their citizens while some simply promote the class. The 200$ per seat cost can be flexible depending on the structure of class. Feel free to contact us for more information.

What does the timeline look like

Check out our eventbrite for a model of our class structure, however it can be flexible. We can do morning classes or afternoon classes, morning, mid-day or evening classes. The classes will total 6-8 hours of instruction and are recommended to be completed in 2-3 consecutive day.

We’d love to chat about your municipality

Contact us